1. Duplicate Order Report
You can now run a report to identify potential duplicate orders for any given event. Orders with matching names and/or email addresses will be retrieved for you to review. In some cases, customers make duplicate orders by mistake. However, you might also utilize this report to look for potential scalping activity.
To access this report, locate the event on your dashboard and select Reports. Then select View All Reports and run the report called Duplicate Purchases.
2. Wait List Enhancements
We have made some enhancements to the Wait List. You will now see a notification timestamp to indicate when an individual last received a notification. When you send a new notification, you can easily choose to only send notifications to people who have not been notified previously.
3. Enhanced Order Restrictions
There is an existing option under the Event Details which allows you to limit ticket purchases by credit card number. If you enable that for a particular event, we will also limit purchases based on the email address used at checkout. This means purchasing a ticket quantity above the limit you set here would require both a unique credit card number and a unique email address. We will do this automatically, so there is no extra effort required on your part.