1. Promotional Contact List
You can now export a list of contacts from a specific event that only includes customers who have opted in to receive promotional communications. When someone opts in, they are consenting to receive communication from the Event Organizer as well as any Event Promoters. If an Artist or other Event Promoter wants the contact information from an event, we suggest providing them with this list in order to protect the privacy of those individuals who do not wish to be contacted.
- Under the event select Reports and View All Reports.
- Select the report titled Promotional Contact List.
- Upon running the report, you can print or export this information to Excel.
2. Bands in Town Integration
If you have an account with Bands in Town, you can now send your event data to their site without manually entering it.
- Click on the Organizer Settings icon on your Partners Dashboard.
- Scroll down until you see the section titled Bands in Town.
- Enter the username and password associated with your Bands in Town account.
- Save your settings.
- Locate an event that you want to synch to Bands in Town. Click on Edit and then Details.
- Scroll down on the Details page until you see the option to Advertise on External Sites. Toggle this to Yes and save the event.
- In a separate window, log into Bands in Town. You will see a folder at the top called Drafts. If you followed the steps listed above, you will see your event in this folder. You can review or edit the details if necessary. Then click on Publish to make it visible on their site.
3. Event Analysis & Comparison Tool
There is a new reporting tool that will allow you to compare sales and referrer activity across multiple events. The daily sales trends could be helpful in determining when and how to advertise to specific customer groups. You may find that certain genres have distinct selling patterns, which can guide your marketing decisions in the future.
- Under Reports at the top of the Dashboard, select Event Analysis & Comparison.
- If you select By Event, you can start typing an event name in the search field. You can enter and select up to 10 events to compare.
- If you select By Genre, you can click on multiple categories. From there you will select Find Events, which will display any events within those genres. You can still only view 10 events at a time, so use the Remove option to narrow that down.
- Once you have identified the events you would like to compare, click the Analyze button.
- This will provide you with daily sales data for each event selected, along with top referral information and overall sell through. You can change your selections at the top of the page at any time and click Analyze to see the new results.